Sunday, May 2, 2010

Family Safety Day

So today I took it upon myself to head to Family Safety Day. I was originally suppose to tag along with the photo club, buuuuut no one got back to me on whether they needed my services, so... I went anyway!! I took photos mostly for practice and for my co-workers purposes. They're a pretty awesome bunch, but unfortuneately, I can't post any photos of them. They're under copyright. Kinda.

Enjoy these photos anyway!

People waitied in line with their kids for over an hour for the bike rodeo. Kids lurve da bikes.

Happy Saturday, all!!

Friday, April 30, 2010

...Better late than never, I say!

Well, I've decided to blog. Look out!! Just kidding. I like to think I'm good at writing. Or I use to be. Way back in school.

I wanted to create a blog to showcase my mad photography skillz. Clearly.. I'm a bit optimistic. I'm VERY new at it, and I have a loooooong way to go. I'm hoping Jasmine Star, my favorite photographer reads this one day. Now THAT would make me simply estatic.

Honestly, if you haven't checked out Jasmine's work, do it. Now. She's, in my opinion, one of the best wedding photographers I've had the pleasure of creeping on. I mean... researching. She's awesome. I've decided recently, if I were to get married, I'd love her to shoot my wedding. In Mexico. Just saying.

To end this post today, here's a photo I took recently of my pooch, Sophie. She's a cutest little terror in the world :)